First-author publications
L.A. Barner, A.K. Glaser, C. Mao, E.A. Susaki, J.C. Vaughan, S.M. Dintzis, and J.T.C. Liu, “Multi-resolution non-destructive 3D pathology of whole lymph nodes for breast cancer staging,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 27, 036501 (2022). [Link] [PDF]
L.A. Barner, A.K. Glaser, H.Huang, L.D. True, and J.T.C. Liu, “Multi-resolution open-top light-sheet microscopy to enable efficient 3D pathology workflows,” Biomedical Optics Express 11,6605 (2020). [Link][PDF]
L.A. Barner, A.K. Glaser, L.D. True, N.P. Reder, and J.T.C. Liu, ”Solid immersion meniscus lens (SIMlens) for open-top light-sheet microscopy,” Optics Letters 44,4451 (2019). [Link] [PDF]
Other publications
D.M. Reddi, L.A. Barner, W. Burke, W.M. Grady, and J.T.C. Liu, “Non-destructive 3D pathology image atlas of Barrett esophagus with open-top light-sheet microscopy,” Arch. Path. Lab Med (2023). [Link] [PDF]
A.K. Glaser, K.W. Bishop, L.A. Barner, R.B. Serafin, and J.T.C. Liu, “A hybrid open-top light-sheet microscope for multi-scale imaging of cleared tissues,” Nature Methods 19, 613 (2022). [Link]
W. Xie, N.P. Reder, C. Koyuncu, P. Leo, S. Hawley, H. Huang, C. Mao, N. Postupna, S. Kang, R. Serafin, G. Gao, Q. Han, K.W. Bishop, L.A. Barner, P. Fu, J.L. Wright, C.D. Keene, J.C. Vaughan, A. Janowczyk, A.K. Glaser, A. Madabhushi, and J.T.C. Liu, “Prostate cancer risk stratification via non-destructive 3D pathology with deep learning-assisted gland analysis,” Cancer Research 82, 334 (2022).
L. Horowitz, A. Rodriguez, A. Au-Yeung, K.W. Bishop, L.A. Barner, G. Mishra, A. Raman, P. Delgado, J.T.C. Liu, T. Gujral, M. Mehrabi, M. Yang, R. Pierce, and A. Folch, “Microdissected cuboids for microfluidic drug testing of intact tissues,” Lab on Chip (2020).
A.K. Glaser, N.P. Reder, Y. Chen, C. Yin, L. Wei, S. Kang, L.A. Barner, W. Xie, E.F. McCarty, C. Mao, A.R. Halpern, C.R. Stoltzfus, J.S. Daniels, M.Y. Gerner, P.R. Nicovich, J.C. Vaughan, L.D. True, and J.T.C. Liu, “Multi-immersion open-top light-sheet microscope for high-throughput imaging of cleared tissues,” Nature Communications 10, 2781 (2019).
A.K. Glaser, Y. Chen, C. Yin, L. Wei, L.A. Barner, N.P. Reder, and J.T.C. Liu, “Multidirectional digital scanned light-sheet microscopy enables uniform fluorescence excitation and contrast-enhanced imaging,” Scientific Reports 8, 13878 (2018).
A. Kryemadhi, L.A. Barner, A. Grove, J. Mohler, A. Roth, “A LYSO crystal array readout by silicon photomultipliers as compact detector for space applications,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research (2018).
A. Kryemadhi, L.A. Barner, A. Grove, J. Mohler, C. Sisson, A. Roth, “Performance of LYSO and CeBr3 crystal readout by silicon photomultiplier arrays as compact detectors for space based applications,” Journal of Instrumentation 12 (02), C02013 (2017).
J.T.C. Liu, L.A. Barner, A.K. Glaser, Patent Application No. 17/356,135
L.A. Barner, A.K. Glaser, H. Huang, J.T.C. Liu, “Solid immersion lens (SIMlens) enables multi-resolution open-top light-sheet microscopy,” SPIE Photonics West 11649- 13 (2021). Oral presentation. [Proceedings and recording]
L.A. Barner, A.K. Glaser, J.T.C. Liu, “Multi-resolution open-top light-sheet microscopy enabled by a solid immersion meniscus lens (SIMlens),” Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics (2020). Oral presentation. [Abstract]
L.A. Barner, A.K. Glaser, J.T.C. Liu, “Multi-resolution open-top light-sheet (OTLS) microscopy for rapid 3D pathology,” ASME IMECE 13009 (2019). Poster presentation, award winner. [Poster]
L.A. Barner, A. Grove, J. Mohler, C. Sisson, A. Roth, “Development of compact particle detectors for space-based instruments,” APS April meeting E2.003 (2017). Oral presentation.
J.R. Wilson, L.A. Barner, A.E. Vladar, K. Klein, “Characterization of helium-ion machined fluidic structures”, poster presentation at EIPBN (2018). Poster presentation.